NoMachine is the fastest remote desktop software you have ever tried. If you want to uninstall NoMachine from the command line, choose the command suitable for your installation. Connect from your device to any NoMachine-enabled PC or Mac at the speed of light. If you are installing the NoMachine Enterprise Client or the Terminal Server Node package, run respectively: If you are looking for a remote desktop solution then NoMachine.
$ sudo rpm -ivh nomachine_7.5.2_1_x86_64.rpm It can be install on many operating systems including, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Android. $ sudo rpm -ivh pkgName_pkgVersion_arch.rpm If you wish to install any of the NoMachine packages from command line, for example because you are installing from remote by SSH, you can use instructions below.Ĭommands below use the sudo utility, if you don't have it installed, log on as superuser ("root") and run commands without sudo. This article only applies to NoMachine 4 and later versions.